Primary Flight Display (PFD)
Interactive PFD

Flight Mode Annunciators
Altitude Indicator
Vertical Speed Indicator
Barometric Reference
Attitude and Guidance
Actual Airspeed Reference Line and Scale
Heading Reference Line and Scale
Loc and G/S Deviation Scale
Loc and G/S Deviation Scale
ILS Information
The Primary Flight Display (PFD) is the main aviation instrument for the pilots. It provides information for:
- Attitude
- Sideslip Indication
- Airspeed (Knots or Mach) and speed trend
- Altitude (baro and radio)
- Vertical Speed
- Heading and Track
- Autopilot / Flight Director Guidance
- Sidestick Order Indication
- Flight Mode Annunciator and Flight Modes FMGS
- Deviations (vertical and lateral)
- Radio navigation (ILS, DME, etc.)
- Various scales and limits (bank limits, max sidestick deflection, pitch, etc.)